Corona Virus – Take Reasonable Care to Protect Yourself
Despite the fact that the risk in Canada is still deemed to be very low, the Covid-19 (the Corona Virus) is a real and present public health concern. As a proactive information service to its employees and customers, following are two World Health Organization websites with information on Covid-19, as well as information blogs from Harvard University and National Public Radio. Abacus is recommending to all of its staff and customers that they read these references and others and take reasonable precaution to protect their health.
There are 2 steps that are recommended as helpful in avoiding infection:
- The first step is the easier one. One of the most important actions that everyone can take is to wash their hands frequently, with soap and water (for 20 seconds), or alternatively with an alcohol based sanitizer – Abacus employees will be taking this precaution. (This simple step apparently reduces the risk of infection by 30 to 50%.)
- The second step is harder to follow; if you can, wash or sanitize your hands before you touch your face.
Finally, and in accordance with public health advisories, we also suggest that anyone who may have Covid-19 symptoms check with their health advisor to see if they should stay at home, to minimize the possibility of infecting others, including relatives, friends, and neighbors.
For the duration of this problem, Abacus also will be taking the following actions:
- Abacus will disinfect its office and visitor areas frequently.
- In addition, Abacus will be posting information in and around its self storage facility and is asking all visitors to take the precautions requested therein.
Thank you for your cooperation in our attempt to mitigate the risk of infection at Abacus.