How to Store Things in a Self-Storage Unit: The Ultimate Guide

When renting a storage unit, you want to optimize your space, make it easier to reach your things, and keep everything protected.
At Abacus Self Storage, we’ve put together the ultimate guide to making the most of your storage space, from choosing a suitable unit to understanding self-storage rates in a location easily accessible from North York, as well as knowing proper packing and organization.
Choose the Right Sized Unit
It all starts with choosing the right-sized unit. If your unit is too small, you’ll really need to pack stuff in, which makes it difficult to find and retrieve anything should you need to do so.
Here’s a guide to help you decide what size is best based on a 9-foot-high unit:
5 x 5: Think of this as a small closet perfect for boxes or small furniture.
5 x 10: Now you’re getting into a more comfortable space, similar to your average walk-in closet, where you can fit one or two larger pieces of furniture, such as a sofa with some boxes or things like chairs and mattresses.
10 x 10: This is a good space, about the same size as the average bedroom, suitable for furniture for 1 to 2 bedrooms or a lot of boxes and other items.
10 x 15: This is like a master bedroom, so you can probably fit in furniture from 2 to 3 bedrooms, which is perfect if you are renovating the main floor of your home, for example.
10 x 20: This would be like packing your one-car garage with furniture and boxes or 2 to 4 bedrooms worth of furniture.
10 x 30: This is the largest size, and is ideal for renovating your entire home, fitting furniture from a 3-5 bedroom home, etc.
When choosing the size, you also have to consider if you are storing a set amount of items or intend to keep adding to it. If you are adding to it soon, consider going one size up.
If you’ll add to it sporadically, choose a suitable size with a bit of extra space and then upsize if needed.
Since affordable self-storage rates in North York start at $115.00 per month, you can optimise your budget by choosing the right unit size.
Choose the Right Unit Type
It’s essential to consider whether the items you’re storing require a basic or a temperature-controlled unit.
A temperature-controlled unit with fan driven timely air circulation maintains temperature and relative humidity levels all year round, thus reducing issues such as wood furniture expanding and contracting, or mould caused by excess humidity.
Some examples of items that should benefit from a temperature-controlled unit include:
Leather furniture
Wood furniture
Paper documents and books
Special collections, including wine
Musical instruments
Wrap Fragile Items
Wrap fragile items before placing them in boxes. Bubble wrap or newspaper will help prevent items like dishware, glasses, and vases from cracking or smashing in the event that a box is dropped while moving.
Use Proper Storage Boxes
While you can pack things in garbage bags, invest in stackable plastic storage bins with lids, or in cardboard boxes, and label any bin or box to find things more easily. Doing so will better protect your things. It will also save space in the unit.
Label Everything
That brings us to labels. First, label all your plastic bins and boxes so you know what’s in them. Also label your bags, garment bags, suitcases, etc., so you always know what’s what.
Pack Similar Items Together
Try to pack similar items together. For example, if you have a collection of any kind, pack it carefully in the same box, so you can it them without having to sort through every box. Categorize items such as small appliances and dishes, or pack things by room.
Whatever your method, the trick is to keep things organized logically so you aren’t going through every box. If you have many odd items, list what is in the box so you can skim the list and know what box to open.
Break Down Furniture
To optimize space, break down furniture like chairs, bed frames, and tables when you can. Most furniture made in the past few decades is easy to take apart. Make sure you store all the screws and attachments together right in the holes of the furniture, if possible.
If not, place the screws and other hardware in small bags and then tape them to the underside of the furniture. We stress the underside, as a) tape doesn’t adhere as well unless you use heavy-duty tape that will damage the fabric, and b) tape will damage or even remove wood finishes.
Use Shelves
If you’re storing shelves, make good use of them to store smaller items such as small appliances and electronics. If you’re not storing shelves, consider investing in one or two to help keep smaller things organized and maximize your vertical space.
Stack From Heavy to Light
As you load up your unit, try to keep heavier stuff on the bottom and softer and fragile and lighter stuff on top. This will keep things stable and, of course, avoid crushing the fragile and softer items.
Consider Accessibility
Keep the items you’ll need to access frequently at the front of your unit. This way, you won’t need to pull everything out to get to it. If space allows, try to create an “aisle” to improve accessibility.
You can walk down the center of the aisle and read the labels to easily find what you need.
Don’t Store Dangerous Items
Storage companies have a list of items that you aren’t allowed to store. These items are dangerous but might also attract pests. The things you are prohibited from placing in your unit include:
Food and garden seeds
Perishable items
Hazardous materials such as chemicals, paints, solvents, etc.
Food and seeds attract pests, while the rest of these items can increase the risk of fire, corrosion, and damage should the containers leak.
Contact Abacus Self Storage
These storage tips will keep your items safe, organize your unit, and optimize your space.
If you would like information on self-storage rates in North York, speak to the experts at Abacus Self Storage today. You can call us at 289-807-1033 or contact us online.